Mental Match:

The goal was to a website that would live in combination with the conference and its identity system.

Project ········ Conference Website
Medium ········· Screen Based
Published ······ September - December 2021
Language ······· English

The goal of this conference is to further the discussion surrounding mental health in connection to athletes. Conversations would be had with world class athletes willing to discuss their experiences and journeys in reference to the topic. Sport psychologist would also be there to discuss from a more professional perspective. The conference would be open to any athlete/person who wants to better understand the impact that mental health has on athletes and the sports world overall.

Website Rationale: 
In approaching the design of the website the dynamic visual language of sports was considered as well as that of virtual gaming as the site is interactive on the web. The home page was envisioned to right away be interactive and dynamic having the plays actively move on screen while having the user be able to follow them and interact. This was pushed by having the conference participants live as aspects of the “plays” that users could hover over revealing their names. The same visual aspects were carried from the main conference branding and merchandise so as to tie all coponents together.

Website Application:
In applying the visual language from the conference branding and merch to the website, interactivity was noted. The one static objects were depicted as active components in motion, the layout of the site was approached to simulate an interactive virtual game to call the user more to interact with the site as a whole.